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The Creative Advantage: Where science and creativity intersect (Hardopy)
$30.00 Aus
'The Creative Advantage: How the intersection of science and creativity is revealing life’s ultimate advantage' is a deep dive into the science that fuels creativity.
This book explains how we can rewire our brain, understand our motivators, modify our behaviours, boost our skillset and instil habits to give a creative advantage in this rapidly changing and competitive world.
Hardcopy $25.00 plus $5.00 postage (within Australia only)
If purchasing from outside Australia, go to e-book/POD option
This book explains how we can rewire our brain, understand our motivators, modify our behaviours, boost our skillset and instil habits to give a creative advantage in this rapidly changing and competitive world.
Hardcopy $25.00 plus $5.00 postage (within Australia only)
If purchasing from outside Australia, go to e-book/POD option
More Details
The Creative Advantage:
- Demystifies creativity, demonstrating how we‘re all born to be creative. In doing so it responds to the key question: why are some people more creative than others?
- Is curated from the latest peer reviewed research from the world’s most renowned experts in the fields of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, social science, education and psychology.
- Provides practical models and tools, applicable across both our personal and professional lives to successfully create an advantage.
- Builds confidence to proactively make better choices through a more nuanced approach to problem solving and creative insight.
- Guides the reader to tap into positive peak experiences, the ‘flow’ from everyday creativity that contributes to happy and fulfilling lives, face everyday problems with a renewed creative response and overall stay curious to set off in new and exciting directions.
- Provides an uniquely Australian perspective utilising over twenty five years professional expertise working at the intersection of creativity, science, education and the arts, and
- Finally, this book takes us from the latest trend in colouring books and puts it on steroids.